How to Crush Your Cart & Shop Online Like a Boss

Learn 3 Secrets from a Pro Stylist to Help You Size Up Fit, Fabric, and Filters for a Cart that Rocks


In This Workshop



My Go-To Visual Cues for Translating Fit from a Model to Your Own Unique Body and Style

It fits on her but she's not you. Learn how to determine how something will fit on you, including when it will look better on you than on the model.

Yep, that's a thing.


How to Take the Guesswork Out of Style and Fit Descriptions and Decode Them Once and For All

Mid-rise, high-rise, relaxed, curvy, straight, and what in the world is a kick crop? If the descriptions of online items have you stumped, learn how to decipher the most important keywords to find your perfect fit.


How to Finally Figure Out Fabrics and Bring Home the Right Fitting Pieces

Fabrication can make or break the way something fits on you. You'll learn the key differences between popular fabrics and what they mean for different body types, without needing a fashion degree.


Bonus: Finesse those Filters

Get a downloadable pdf list of the keywords you need to take the overwhelm out of shopping and filter down to the best options for your style

"I cannot tell you how empowering it is to look at a swim suit on a model and know before trying it on if it will work for me -- essential for online shopping. I would have made all the wrong choices if it weren't for Brandi. Thank you!"


"Brandi, This workshop was so helpful! I learned SO much and it has changed the way I approach online shopping. And thank you for making the workshop available so I can finish watching during naptime. ;) Thank you again! "

~ Esther A.

"After viewing Brandiโ€™s How to Crush Your Cart & Shop Online Like a Boss workshop I feel SO MUCH MORE equipped with understanding my body type for purchase power! Brandi helps you to understand the fundamentals of body type, which everyone should know, especially since body types can change over your life. She spoke through styles, both classic and trendy, which work well for every body type, allowing you to make decisions when shopping online. Brandi shares her wisdom and confidence freely and I am so appreciative for the lessons Iโ€™ve learned with her course!"

~ Sara F.

Hey girl, hey!

Listen, I get it. Online shopping can feel like the crappiest of crapshoots, am I right? The seemingly endless scrolling, the half-hearted adds to your cart, the nagging feeling that you're going to end up returning almost everything anyway... Can I get an amen up in here if you feel me?

Consider this workshop the style salve you need for your online shopping woes. 

This training is full of magic style decoder ring secrets to help you ramp up your ratio of fantastic finds and leave more of those unflattering duds on the site. 

You'll walk away from this training feeling confident in your ability to size up what's happening with a garment on the model and clearly visualize how it's going to look on you.

You'll get easy to understand insider knowledge on fit and fabrication that your favorite TV fashion guru would be proud of without all of the out-of-touch fashion jargon.

You'll learn how to decipher item descriptions so that you can make lightning quick decisions about whether to add something to your cart or move on. No more wasting time trying to figure out if curvy-high-rise-skinny-crop-jeans are your jam or not.

And last but not least, you'll get a practical behind-the-scenes look at exactly how I find perfect pieces for my clients' lifestyles and body shapes in record time with strategic keywords and filters to narrow down the wide world of the internet and find those goodies. 

Enroll now and receive lifetime access to watch and learn on demand on your own schedule.

Ready to conquer that cart and finally crush this online shopping thing? 

Let's go!


Have we met, yet?

Hi ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿพ I'm Brandi. I'm a personal stylist and confidence coach with a background in education, learning and development.

Real talk?

I help really busy women rediscover their confidence by equipping them with an understanding of how to best flatter their body shapes in clothing that uplifts and never tears down.

My method is part art, part smarts, with research-based style & fit technical know-how, and all heart.

Women who work with me and learn from me stop the merry-go-round of staring down a closet full of nothing to wear every day, and I want that for you, too.

If you join me in this workshop, you'll be well on your way.

Can't wait to see you there,
